
So today I saw my Endo for the first time. My PCM finally gave up and realized he was steering me wrong with shots every 2 weeks. My Endo was very knowledgeable and decided to put me on the Gel. He prescribed Fortesta daily. 4 pumps. I hope this helps stabilize my levels as I've been feeling pretty good on my 1st week after a shot, but lousy on my second week. This is also good as I have an overseas trip in 2 weeks and was wondering how to continue my treatment for the 4 weeks I'm overseas.

Lastly, my Endo ordered me a sleep study. According to him the amount and quality of sleep we get directly relates to how much T we produce. Seems logical. And I have been sleeping like crap lately. I wake a lot, am restless at times, and wake up sometimes feeling tired. My wife says I snore a little, but not always. So we'll see.

That's my latest. Thanks!