Well, just got back from the doctr for first visit. My Test was like 238 and Free was 7.3 (est. paperwork is in the car). I was a little disappointed with the outcome. I guess since it looks like I have high estrogen, he didn't want to give me any testosterone injection because I guess it would be converted to estrogen. So, he said we'll go for HCG and an E-blocker for now. I was really looking forward to the benefits of mental clarity, depression, energy, motivation, etc to happen quickly like I've been reading, but guess that will be delayed. I almost feel a little ripped off, but Im going to do some researching and educating myself before I jump to conclusions. I won't have any changes for I believe 6 weeks, so not sure if HCG alone will give any of the benefits of the Testosterone injections, but if I lower the estrogen and increase testosterone levels, that should make some kind of a difference in how I'm feeling and body weight and all?
A little frustrated, especially since everyone else gets started off on TRT initially.