I am a 44 year old recently retired police officer and now full time personal trainer / nutritionist. I am searching for help with a dilemma that has been causing me major concern. I started testosterone therapy about 5 years ago using pellet implants. At first the results were amazing but after about 2 years I started experiencing heart palpitations and a pulse around 85 when at rest. The doctor and clinic where I was getting my implant therapy swore my heart palpitations and rapid pulse was not from the testosterone. They referred me to a cardiologist and I had two echo-cardiograms which didn't show anything. I ruled out everything I could think of and the only common denominator was the testosterone. I stopped the implants and tried living without the testosterone help but I shortly became deficient and it affected me greatly. I went to my endocrinologist and started testosterone injections which gave me the results I wanted but also the palpitations and rapid pulse came back. I am desperately looking for anything that can help as researching my condition has led to very little help. I'm lost and looking for help if anyone has anything to offer. Thanks