Jak - here's my thoughts -

560 isn't perfect for your age, but it's not bad - and it's high enough that your body is still producing large amounts, which is good.

Your doctor is right - 20 is very young to start treatment, and once you start, you can't stop. People really shouldn't start this treatment until they hit at least 30, so here's my advice...

1. Check your Thyroid - particularly free T3 and Free T4

2. Check your DHEA, B12 and Cortisol - these are all indicators of adrenal fatigue - in all honesty, it sounds like you have adrenal fatigue, which can easily be made worse by anxiety and depression. Of note, if your DHEA is low, then that's a major sign of adrenal fatigue.

More than likely, you only have to treat your thyroid and adrenal fatigue - which is VERY easy to treat naturally. I highly recommend the following vitamins:

1. Designs for Health Multivitamin - this multivitamin is pricey ($50 per month) but wow, it's terrific! This multi contains magnesium, iodine and all necessary b-vitamins to combat adrenal fatigue. You'll feel better much quicker!

2. ProBioitics - go to Whole Foods and find yourself a good probiotic vitamin. These are not expensive, but they will help reduce adrenal fatigue.

3. Fish Oil - this isn't required, but you should plan on taking this as you get older - doesn't hurt to start now.

For now, that will be a pretty solid vitamin regimine. I'm pretty sure you're suffering from some adrenal fatigue, and a good multi will help greatly - good luck!