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Thread: HRT problems for years!

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    I'm not splitting the dose anymore.... inject every 7 days. My Estriadiol was 22.... I'm sure this was probably a standard test. The high end on the reference range was 39. I don't take HCG....tried to discuss it with doctor.....basically because of my age, there was serious doubt that it would do any good. Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Administrator Justin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by martyjack View Post
    I'm not splitting the dose anymore.... inject every 7 days. My Estriadiol was 22.... I'm sure this was probably a standard test. The high end on the reference range was 39. I don't take HCG....tried to discuss it with doctor.....basically because of my age, there was serious doubt that it would do any good. Any advice would be appreciated.
    If you're bottoming out at the end of the week on 100mg you'll more than likely still bottom out at the end of the week on 140mg. You're metabolizing the testosterone quickly and probably need to go back to a split dose. If you're at 140mg/wk, then 70mg twice per week, such as Monday & Thursday.

    Curious on what age you are that makes the doctor think HCG won't work. It is true, if you are completely primary then HCG won't do much for you. However, even then it doesn't hurt to give it a try - it certainly can't hurt you. It's definitely worth looking into.

    I would request a Estradiol Sensitive panel. The problem with a standard panel is it is very hit or miss when it comes to accuracy. In fact, it's very common (extremely) for the reading on a standard test to be 10+ points higher than a sensitive. If that happens to be the case with you, then that means your E2 is lower than you might think, which would explain in part the libido issues.


    1. Split testosterone dose into two injections per week.
    2. Consider HCG - 250-500iu 2x/wk is the common dosing range.
    3. Get sensitive estradiol test to determine true E2 reading. Without a proper balance between E2 and testosterone therapy cannot work.
    4. If your doctor will not work with you on these things, find a new doctor. One of the most common arguments I hear in this regard is "well, this doctor is covered by my insurance." That's all well and fine but pretty worthless, in my opinion, if the treatment isn't good.
    5. If your E2 and testosterone numbers are good and you're having any type of ED issue, consider some type of PED5 Inhibitor, maybe low dose daily Cialis. A lot of men get upset when their TRT is good but they are still having ED issues - you can have both Low T and blood flow issues in the downstairs area.
    6. If you're looking for an even larger energy boost, consider Injectable B12, specifically Methylcobalamin. You do not want the other forms of B12. Also you might (if you're not already) consider supplementing with 5000iu of Vitamin D3.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thanks Justin. I have some HCG in the cabinet, got from a protocol I was on a year ago. Do I use the HCG the day before each testosterone injections? If I split the testosterone into biweekly, I think I will get me some 27 gage needles and try your subcutaneous injections. Most family practice places have never heard of this, sounds great to me though. I will cut back on the arimidex also.
    I also wanted to see if I can work out something with you to get the HCG. I have recent labs, they indicated low testosterone prior to my next injection. That's why I'm doing 140mg now. I'm retired military, so I use Tricare standard for insurance. I would love to get my labs worked through you. I have a good doctor here, but like many they are just not up on latest hormone therapy. He did understand the arimidex after I explained it to Estriadiol was elevated at the time. I have a good prescriptions n for the testosterone and arimidex......just would feel better with you checking my appropriate blood levels. Think we could work something out?

  4. #4
    Administrator Justin's Avatar
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    We do not sell any medications. Our program is a flat rate fee of $199 per month. Yes, you could use that for an HCG prescription only but that wouldn't make a lot of sense, as I'm sure you'd agree. The program covers doctors visits, blood work and all medications needed (HCG, testosterone & anastrozole), I don't have a way to split it up.

  5. #5
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    I went to a pharmacy here and the pharmacists tells me no way can you inject testosterone subcutaneous with a 27 gage needle......says it's too thick? Is your testosterone the same as all others? I've never seen anything but oil based. He mentioned maybe you compounded it differently? I definitely want to try this method and will show him your web site. Thanks

  6. #6
    Administrator Justin's Avatar
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    Most all pharmacist will say this. We have a large number of individuals in our program that inject SubQ and do so obtaining the testosterone from various different pharmacies. We work with a few different pharmacies, not just one in particular. All the testosterone from all the pharmacies is oil based in either cottonseed or sesame seed oil, as I'm sure the pharmacy you're dealing with is, or grape seed oil, almost forgot that one.

    For whatever it's worth, I've injected testosterone with a 30g insulin needle on more than one occasion. I never do this on purpose, have just run out of regular size needles at times and that's all I had. It takes a good 10min to draw the dose out with an insulin needle but if you're sitting there watching TV or something like that it's not like you don't have the time. As for pushing it through, it takes a little extra pressure but it's not like trying to push a rock through or something like that. It's still just liquid.

  7. #7
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    Yea my bad.....I went and bought me some 28gage insulin syringes. I just filled the insulin syringe with the needle I had been using for the IM injections. Injection was painless! One more question....If I'm prescribed 140 mg weekly and I'm now doing bi-weekly you think it would benefit me to do 3 smaller injections EOD? Also when should I use the hcg......the day before injections? If I do 3 injections?..when?

  8. #8
    Administrator Justin's Avatar
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    Based on the active half-life of the testosterone, you shouldn't need to inject it three times per week. I do know of guys who do split their's up into three shots, I have even heard of guys injecting minuscule amounts daily and they swear it makes a difference but that seems very unlikely are far more likely a placebo effect. A twice a week split should be fine.

    As for the HCG, if you're injecting that twice per week and the testosterone twice per week, the easiest thing to do is to do it on the same day as your testosterone. Some prefer doing the HCG the day before or after testosterone injections, but the only issue with this is you potentially create more possible estrogen spikes throughout the week. Is that guaranteed? No, and even if it happens it could be minimal, but doing both the same day is the easiest and should work well. Now if you're splitting your HCG dose into three shots per week (Not necessary but possibly more beneficial than 3 testosterone shots per week) I would simply take two of the HCG shots with my testosterone and one in-between, something like this:

    Mon: Testosterone & HCG
    Wed: HCG
    Fri: Testosterone & HCG

  9. #9
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    Hi…new forum member and a first time post. This thread has been a very informative…both, the detailed questions and thorough responses. I recently had my labs drawn through a local "Low T Center" in the Woodlands, TX, but have not started their protocol…my total testosterone levels were at 112 ng/dl at 10AM (yes, extremely low for a 39 y/o male).

    I'm thinking of checking out the's clinic in Houston…The nurse staff at the "Low T Center" are terrific, but Justin has been more informative than their PA. Main concern is to be able to use my TRICARE insurance coverage (retired Marine).
    Last edited by freefldive; 04-05-2015 at 09:50 PM.

  10. #10
    Administrator Justin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freefldive View Post
    Hi…new forum member and a first time post. This thread has been a very informative…both, the detailed questions and thorough responses. I recently had my labs drawn through a local "Low T Center" in the Woodlands, TX, but have not started their protocol…my total testosterone levels were at 112 ng/dl at 10AM (yes, extremely low for a 39 y/o male).

    I'm thinking of checking out the's clinic in Houston…The nurse staff at the "Low T Center" are terrific, but Justin has been more informative than their PA. Main concern is to be able to use my TRICARE insurance coverage (retired Marine).
    Welcome to the forum. With the program you wouldn't have to go to the doctor every week for your treatment. All administration is done by you in the privacy of your own home. Some clinics and programs make a big deal about this and act like you could never do such a thing, but anyone that tells you that isn't telling you the truth. A five year old baby could probably figure out how to inject testosterone - not that it should, I'm simply saying it's that easy. As for insurance, does not accept any form of insurance. Sorry, it's cash pay only, meaning debit or credit card.

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