Your levels are on the low end. It's surprising you don't have symptoms. The only cause for no symptoms at this stage that I can think of would be higher than normal Free Testosterone. Do you know your free levels? It's very uncommon for Free levels to be optimal when total is so low, almost unheard of, but I have seen it happen a time or two. If that is the case, will it maintain? I'd bet every dime I have that it won't. Now that doesn't mean Free levels will fall overnight, but at some point they most likely will.

Your clomid therapy, it's not surprising that levels fell after use was discontinued. With any type of testosterone therapy be it through direct testosterone use or medications or supplements that increase natural production, as soon as those items are removed levels will return to their prior state. There is, however, what is known as an HPTA restart or reset. The idea here is to stimulate natural production in a manner that will hold after it is discontinued. It doesn't have a high success rate but it does work on occasion. Its highest success rate is among young men in their early to mid-20's.

Reasons for your lower end levels - it's not uncommon for vegetarians to have lower testosterone levels, in fact, it's quite common. Consider the strongest testosterone boosting foods on earth, red meat, whole eggs and salmon. Other meats have a strong affect too, but the former items the strongest. Soy has also been shown to lower testosterone and soy is often a common major part of a vegetarians diet.
Other possible reasons - prior or existing drug use, this can pertain to both prescription and recreational and most certainly pertains to marijuana. However, drugs like anabolic steroids, opiates (pain killers) and antidepressants will have the strongest, negative affect. Medications like statins and sleep aids can also promote lower levels.

Then of course there is simply the genetic factor, you may simply be someone who has low testosterone. You

I should also mention testicular injury is a cause, but that seems unlikely since you didn't mention it. Head trauma can also be a cause as well as a pituitary tumor. However a tumor would normally result in much lower levels than you're displaying. Prior or existing cancer treatment can also have a strong, negative effect.

Remedy: The first step, get a full blood workup, not just total testosterone. At minimum test free and total testosterone and LH.