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Thread: first bloodwork... help would be GREATLY appreciated

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    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    first bloodwork... help would be GREATLY appreciated

    Hi all,
    new to the forum and i want to thank anyone for taking the time to read this.
    I wanted to post my blood work and see if anyone has input on it because my first doctor experience with pretty poor and they basically dismissed my issue because i'm 26. It would be great to get some input before going through the pain of finding another doctor.
    I'll keep it short and just post the BW and any other info i could provide after.
    Thanks so much for reading.

    My Testosterone is 434 (i assume that is total?)
    My free % is 1.5%
    My Free Testosterone is 65
    My SHBG is 39.1

    These numbers compared to some charts i've seen don't look terrible but i'm pretty healthy in that i don't smoke or drink, i eat a pro-testoserone paleo diet of natural foods with good healthy fats, i sleep well and i lift heavily at the gym 4 days a week as a personal trainer.
    I'm 5'9 168 at about 16% BF right now.
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