I started on TRT back in February of this year but I had to stop treatment after 10 weeks. My wife and I are trying to get pregnant. My doctor said it would be best to quit cold turkey, and so I did. I had actually heard that advice from another doctor as well (quitting cold turkey to become fertile once again), so I didn't question it much. It's been about 7 weeks and yes, I feel the difference. I have a few questions regarding quitting:

1. Will my test levels ever come back to what it was pre-therapy? I was low, for my age but not super low, around 550.
2. Some of the things I have read online about quitting TRT say that you should be on some kind of post cycle therapy. Should I be? I was taking HCG during treatment.

Then just a general question. Two of the doctors I had spoken with suggested that you when you do TRT you should cycle it. 12 weeks on and 6 to 8 weeks off was one doctor's suggestion. Another suggested 6 on 6 off. Can anyone confirm?