Hello all!

Well I've suspected I've had low testosterone for quite a while, even though my doctor assured me *smuglaughter* that this is in fact not the case . I should expect to be disappointed by my test results and when I am I can then come in and get my prescription of Cymbalta because I am in fact depressed without even knowing it. What a classy and honorable man.

Anyhow, here's what came out. Mind you this was over a year ago.

Free Testosterone @ 8.9 ------- UNITS: pg/mL ----- Reference Range: (9.3-26.5)
Total Testosterone @ 399 ------- UNITS: ng/dL ------ Reference Range: (348-1197)

To me this is quite obviously low and warrants treatment but I guess I just want some reinforcement. I'm a 25 year old male with mild chronic fatigue (mind you I may have chronic undiagnosed lyme disease as well; getting tested for this ASAP - it's one hell of a misunderstood condition btw, quite frightening and bizzare, weird political stuff going on with it), I went through puberty much later than my peers (probably around 13-14), I have glandular gynecomastia, and almost no facial hair. My father claimed he could grow a full mustache at 19. I'm not even close. Sexual function and libido seems OK, definitely could be higher but I don't really consider it a problem atm. Orgasms are very weak though, that sometimes alarms me. My sleep is horrid but most likely is from the lyme. I don't remember what feeling well rested is like really.

I'd say this isn't very debilitating for me and I'm not sure what I should do about it. If I start TRT is it a lifetime thing? Does insurance cover this kind of thing? I've heard injections are the best way to go about this? Do you take other substances with T like people do on steroid cycles?

I guess I'd just like some confirmation before I start delving deep into the research.

Thanks guys!