Dear experts,

ok, so I have pretty low but acceptable total T (241 ng/dL)

but a very low level of free T, it would seem (1.4 pg/mL)

This was measured last year, when I was 41, and it feels like it's even lower now.

Question: How do you explain the discrepancy between total T (OK) and free T (not OK)?

My doctor, who is not an endocrinologist, has recommended I do the following:

1) Self inject 1cc of Depotestosterone (200mg/cc) every 10 days

2) Take 1mg tablet of Arimidex 2 times per week.

3) Take 1mg tablet of Propecia daily

Does this seem good an professional to you? He recommended the Propecia because I lost about 50% of my hair from a couple of years of T-treatment a few years ago.

The only other med I am taking is Adderall 10mg once per day. That is because it was hard for me to concentrate and stay awake. I am thinking this might get better with the T?

But will injecting testosterone possibly help only with the total T?

What would be the symptoms of someone who had enough free T and not enough total T?

What would you expect my symptoms to be from having (barely) enough total T and not enough free T?

Would love to get input from you experts.

Many thanks,
