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Thread: 30 years old with a Free T level of 192.

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    Junior Member
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    30 years old with a Free T level of 192.

    ****Correction, level of Testosterone is 192, not my Free Testosterone. Learning all of these terms! ****

    Good Afternoon,

    My name is Matthew. I just turned 30 two weeks ago. I went to my doctors for the first time in years on March 9th. I explained all of my symptoms (decreased vision, decreased libido, decreased memory retention, tiredness, depression, anxiety and so on, my complaints and such, and he suggested we do a full blood workup along with a hormone panel. In the panel they tested my free testosterone levels. The results came back yesterday with what we had expected, levels of 192. I have suffered from these symptoms for years, just never really knew what could be causing it.

    My doctor suggested because i have such a drastically low level, that I immediately start Testosterone Therapy injections. I filled my prescription this morning, and my insurance is fighting paying for it. My doctor predicted this. He sent in the authorization and said I should have the med this week. I am very nervous as to what to expect in the coming months. Should I expect huge increase in overall well being or am I overthinking the results? My doctor is trying to get my levels to 900 to 1000. Looking forward to talking with everyone on this forum!
    Last edited by Devishu; 04-05-2016 at 02:07 PM.

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