I was 33 and my endo had me on 200mg of test a week (I had 170ng/dl test and no free test), which was great at first, then my estrodiol went from 19pg/ml to 100pg/ml, and he didnt do anything about it nor did he know that was a major issue, or the relationship to SBGH. So 880ng/dl but no free test or available test, so I got to experience gyno and feeling WAY shittier than when I started. It is REALLY hard to have an up to date testosterone centric Dr that not only understands how to manage lowT with HCG, Test and estrogen blockers, but one that is up to date on the facts like it doesn't cause cardiac issues or prostate cancer and so on. A good Dr will check your PSA day one, and if it is elevated or shows your at risk of having prostate cancer, you dont go on test. The new Male Clinics popping up everywhere or the online ones like lowtestosterone.com are the only groups these days that treat lowT properly. Ask around in th forums to see if there is someone in your neck of the woods. Otherwise spend the $199 month with lowtestosterone.com and get yourself feeling good and then see if you have other options that your insurance may cover.