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  1. Sticky: Intramuscular, Subcutanous and HCG dosing and Injection Videos!

    Heres a great tutorial video that will show you step by step how to do administer all your injectable medications and how to correctly measure your dose.
  2. ***Coming Soon*** This is not new...

    ***Coming Soon***

    This is not new information as we have years of data showing absorption is great and many men actually prefer this delivery due to the ease of the injection technique over...
  3. i will post video which goes over superiority of...

    i will post video which goes over superiority of Subq
  4. Replies

    Importance of SHBG on your Testosterone

    SHBG is a protein produced primarily in the liver, although the testes, uterus, brain, and placenta also synthesize it. It serves as a transport carrier, shuttling estrogen and testosterone to sex...
  5. Statins medications lower Testosterone levels.

    Statins are effective and popular cholesterol-lowering medications. But they also have some possible side effects, including memory loss and high blood sugar. Now along with SSRI's and...
  6. Free Consultation when you "like" on Facebook.

    Like us on Facebook then call me for your Free Consultation to answer all your questions if testosteorne/HCG treament is right for you. 281-547-0013

    Michael Brookins,MS NMP
    Board Certified...
  7. Replies

    TRT does it cause cancer??

    Heres the deal...Since testosterone stimulates cell growth, it is possible in theory that it can accelerate the growth of an EXISTING prostate cancer or male breast cancer. ACTIVE PRESENT EXISTING...
  8. Reasons why the 1x inj every 2-3 weeks protocol is 8-10 years outdated!!!


    This is why the protocol for 1 injection every 2-3 weeks of Test Cyp and Enanthate is 8-10 years out dated. Look at the graph.. This is the true biological half-life of T Cyp/Enan as it relates...
  9. Why men today have much lower testosterone levels than their fathers and grandfathers


    Part of the issue as to why our levels of testosterone with each generation are lower and lower. It is reported that we have 1/3 the levels our grandfathers do. Environmental estrogens are the...
  10. Estrogen/Estrodiol significance in TRT and adjunct therapies.Blocking vs metabolizing

    At estrogen/estradiol has had a significant role in the way we practice. When your testosterone levels are low your estradiol levels are too since most, 80%, of your estradiol is...
  11. Replies

    B-12. 2 different kinds on the market. ...

    B-12. 2 different kinds on the market. Cynocobalamin and Methylcobalamin. Cyno actually gets trapped in the liver as your body naturally does anyway when you make b-12 from your flora in the Large...
  12. Replies

    Our compounding pharmacys are great. If you are...

    Our compounding pharmacys are great. If you are ever dissatisfied with the "look" of your vial or develop an allergy with an oil base they use just send it back and they will recompound it for you. ...
Results 1 to 12 of 12