Quote Originally Posted by Justin View Post
The issue you're having is the injection frequency, assuming you're using Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enantate - those are by far the most common forms and are virtually identical.

When you inject either form of the above mentioned testosterone, your levels will peak approximately 72hrs after the injection and then begin to fall back to baseline. 72hrs is a very approximate number, some may peak sooner or a little later but it's a decent average. In your case, because you're only injecting once every 2wks, your levels are jumping up, crashing back down, remaining low until the next injection and then repeating the cycle over and over again. Yes, at some point during the monthly cycle you do more than likely have higher testosterone levels, but you cannot experience symptomatic relief unless you stabilize and maintain the levels.

With either form of testosterone mentioned above, it needs to be injected once per week, once every 7 days. The average dosing range for most men is in the 100-200mg per week range. That said, some men find it more efficient to split the dose into two weekly injections, say every Monday and Thursday. Some need this and some don't.

You may also want to consider HCG. HCG will produce a pulse of natural testosterone production along with your testosterone you're injecting. It's not enough to correct low levels such as yours, but it will help stave off any peaks and valleys in-between your testosterone injections. It also tends to help with libido a pretty good bit and will protect fertility, which may or may not interest you. One of the other positive effects is it will prevent any testicular atrophy that will often occur due to testosterone use. Testicular atrophy itself isn't harmful but many guys don't like it.

Lastly, it's very important to watch your estradiol levels when on testosterone treatment. You need a good balance between the two hormones, testosterone and estrogen. This is something many men tend to forget since they think of estrogen as a female hormone, but like testosterone, estrogen is needed by both men and women, simply in different amounts. If the balance is off, your treatment will suffer.

I hope this info has been helpful to you. Feel free to ask any other questions that come to mind.
Even after my injection I don't really feel any different than I do say on day 13. I just had an injection on 2/6 and still feel like crap. This has been going on for months. I will ask doc about HCG when I go today. I understand the peaks and valleys but 202 seems way too low after being on it for 6 months. When I had a high reading of 556 back in June that was 7 days after an injection. I have most of the symptoms of low T except loss of muscle. I'm actually the strongest I've been in a long time (which is ironic) but still feel like crap everyday. I just push myself at the gym.

I'll will update what urologist tells me today.
