
Im just looking for abit of advice. It's been a nightmare. Several trips to the doctor and he sits and tells him there is nothing wrong with his bloods, then after I press him about it, he finally admits he doesn't have any knowledge and experience in the field and referred us to a specialist. I do not have the test sheet but I know that his testosterone measurement came in at 1.8dl. Bar erection difficulties, he has every symptom.

So Im wondering if anyone can lend any advice.
Has anyone had similar troubles as us? The system seems nonexistent when it comes to male hormone health.
Are we seeing the right people?
Is there anything we should expect or anything I should ask or double check any details while we're there.

On a personal level, its hard to understand his complete lack of sex drive. How bad does it get? He says that he doesn't feel much in his drunk and it just doesn't feel right whenever anything sexual happens. Can anyone relate to this?

I want to be prepared to make sure we aren't messed around and just get this issue on its way of getting sorted out so he can have a better quality of life.

Any advice is much appreciated!