I have seen an endocrinologist for about 6 months.

I was diagnosed with primary hypogonadism based on a whole series of laboratory results. I did not want to do injections at first so I tried androgel - which unfortunately did not help me. I at first did 2 pumps a day - then 3 - as my free and total levels of t dropped even further. The doc who is known for his work with men and hrt convinced me to do a series of injections. I received 200mg once every two weeks for a series lasting 2 months or so. The time has come for more blood work and while I thought I actually felt a little better all my lab values are actually even lower - the lowest they have been. My bioavail t, free t, and total t were all below normal. My albumin and sbhg within normal range.

Any one have any insights?

I know that many will suggest every week injections vs every other so that's one thing i'll talk to the doc about next week. I know that the gel and the injections have shut my t production down, and the doc did want me to have the blood test during the in-between injections week - but is this normal?

Doesn't seem like any of this is helping.

What kind of questions should I ask the doc at this point?