Quote Originally Posted by Justin View Post
couldthisbeit...after you start treatment you have another blood test 6wks into treatment, which it sounds like you've already had. From there you'll have another blood test 6 months into treatment, which is 6 months from the start of your treatment, NOT 6 months from the last blood test. After that you'll have one once every 6 months.
Well, it's been a long time and I found this old post. I've made some healthy changes in life. Just wanted to post some updated numbers to get some opinions. How do these numbers look for a 30 year old male?

Test 662 on a 348-1197 scale
LH 5.8 on a 1.7-8.6 scale
FSH 3.2 on a 1.5-12.4 scale
T4 1.04 on a .82-1.77 scale

estradiol 41.7 on a 7.6 to 42.6 scale.

Estrogen levels are sky high, but test is up as well.
This has all been done naturally. Are there any opinions on what could be done to lower the estrogen, which might aid in test levels going higher?